Anew study released just days after the U.S. House passed a bill that would prevent statesfrom requiring labels on genetically modified foods reveals that GMO(geneticallymodified organism) labeling would not act as warning label
  Anew study released just days after the U.S. House passed a bill that would prevent statesfrom requiring labels on genetically modified foods reveals that GMO(geneticallymodified organism) labeling would not act as warning labels and scare consumers awayfrom buying products with GM ingredients. The study, presented at theannual conference of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association,held in San Francisco on July 27, relies on five years of data (2003, 2004, 2008, 2014and 2015) and includes 2,012 responses to a representative, statewide surveyof Vermont residents. It focuses on the relationship between two primaryquestions: whether Vermonters are opposed to GMO's in commercially available foodproducts; and whether respondents thought products containing GMO's should belabeled.  Resultsshowed no evidence that attitudes toward GMO's are strengthened in either apositive or negative way due to a desire for labels that indicate the product contains GMingredients. On average across all five years of the study, 60 percent of Vermontersreported being opposed to the use of GM technology in food production and89 percent desired labeling of food products containing GM ingredients.These numbers have been increasing slightly since 2003. In 2015, the percentages were63 and 92 percent, respectively.  Responsesvaried slightly by demographic groups. For example, given a desire for positive GMOlabels, opposition to GMO decreased in people with lower levels of education, insingle parent households, and those earning the highest incomes. Opposition toGMO increases in men and people in the middle-income category. No changes werelarger than three percentage points.  "Whenyou look at consumer opposition to the use of GM technologies in food and accountfor the label, we found that overall the label has no direct impact on opposition.And it increased support for GM in some demographic groups,"said Jane Kolodinsky,author of the study and professor and chair of the Department of CommunityDevelopment and Applied Economics at the University of Vermont. "This wasnot what I hypothesized based on the reasoning behind the introduction of The Safe andAccurate Food Labeling Bill. We didn't find evidence that the labels will workas a warning." 
We can know from paragraph 1 that ______.
A、the study recently released relied on five successive years of data
B、the states would have the right to decide on labeling the GM foods
C、a survey was made among the residents in Vermont and San Francisco
D、GMO labeling would no longer be required on genetically modified foods