Passage one

Passage one

Passage one

Passage one

I may as well add here some particularsof the little fellow(a baby ape) who excited all this surprise and enjoyment.He lived five months, and became as tame and docile as a cat. I called himTommy, to which name he soon began to answer.

In three days after his capture he wasquite tame. He then ate crackers out of my hand; ate boiled rice and roastedplantains; and drank the milk of a goat. Two weeks after his capture he wasperfectly tamed, and no longer required to be tied up. He ran about the camp,and, when he went back to the town, found his way about the village and intothe huts just as though he had been raised there

He had a great affection for me, and usedconstantly to follow me about. When I sat down, he was not content till he hadclimbed upon me and hid his head in my breast. He was extremely fond of beingpetted and fondled and would sit for hours while any one stroked his head orback.

He soon began to be a great thief. Whenthe people left their huts he would steal in and make off with their plantainsor fish. He watched very carefully till all had left the house, and it wasdifficult to catch him in the act. I punished him several times, and, indeed,led him to the conviction that it was wrong to steal: but he could never resistthe temptation

From me he stole constantly. He soonfound out that my hut was better furnished with ripe bananas and other fruitthan any other: and also he discovered that the best time to steal from me waswhen I was asleep in the morning. At that time he used to crawl in on histiptoes, move slyly toward my bed, look at my closed eyes, and, if he saw nomovement with an air of great relief go up and pluck several plantains. If Istirred in the least he was off like a flash, and would presently reenter foranother inspection. If my eyes were open when he came in on such a predatorytrip, he at once came up to me with an honest face. and climbed on and caressedme. But I could easily detect an occasional wishful glance toward the bunch ofplantains.

He kept the run of mealtimes, and waspresent at as many meals as possible; that is, he would go from my breakfast tohalf a dozen others, and beg something at each. But he never missed my breakfastand dinner, knowing by experience that he fared best there. I had a kindof rude table made, on which my meals were served in the open part of my houseThis was too high for Tommy to see the dishes; so he used to come in before Isat down, when all was ready, and climb up on the pole which supported theroof. From here he attentively surveyed every dish on the table, and havingdetermined what to have, he would descend and sit down at my side.

My hut was a better place for Tommy because _____
A、he could always get away with it
B、it was better furnished than others
C、he could always get what he wanted there
D、it was a good place to play hide-and-seek
