The first sentence of paragraph l implies that ______.
A、Americans enjoy a higher life quality than ever before
B、Americans are better prepared for death than other people
C、Americans are over-confident of their medical technology
D、Americans take a vain pride in their long life expectancy
【题目解析】:细节推理题。由题干定位于第一段第一句话,作者先从其他国家的死亡情况来引出美国的寿命接近其他国家的两倍,后面几句也主要体现美国的医疗系统发达,由此可见美国发达的医疗技术很高,答案C选项是正确的;由Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life可知A选项是错的;B、D选项无从得知。