It's early August and the countryside appears peaceful. Planting has longbeen finished and the fields are alive with strong, healthy crops. Soybeans andwheat are flourishing under the hot summer sun, and the com is now well over sixfeet tall. 46.( He
It's early August and the countryside appears peaceful. Planting has longbeen finished and the fields are alive with strong, healthy crops. Soybeans andwheat are flourishing under the hot summer sun, and the com is now well over sixfeet tall. 46.( Herds of dairy and beef cattle are grazing peacefully in rollingpastures which surround big, red barns and neat, white farmhouses. Everything asfar as the eye can see radiates a sense of prosperity.)
【题目解析】:括号部分为两个句子。第一个句子的主语是herds of dairy and beef cattle,其中dairy cattle指产奶的牛,而beef cattle指产肉的牛。谓语是are grazing(正在吃草),peacefully和in rolling pastures是状语,rolling指绵延起伏的,是形容词化的分词。pastures(牧场)这个词还带了which引导的后置定语从句,which是从句的主语,指代pastures,surround是从句的谓语,barns和farmhouses是这个词的宾语,它们各自带了自己的定语。这一句的难点是对描述性词汇如rolling以及一些专有名词如dairy cattle和beef cattle的翻译。第二句中主语是everything,后面带了一个as far as (像…一样远)引导的定语从句the eye can see (目力所及),谓语动词radiate有“流露、焕发(某种感觉)”的意思。它和抽象名词短语a sense of prosperity都可能成为翻译的难点。