Rearrangethe following sentences so that they read logically. Put the correspondingletters in a proper sequence in the boxes provided below. The positions of somesentences have been given.A.    In1896, Isabella celebrated her sixty-fourth birthday

Rearrangethe following sentences so that they read logically. Put the correspondingletters in a proper sequence in the boxes provided below. The positions of somesentences have been given.A.    In1896, Isabella celebrated her sixty-fourth birthday, and that same year shecrossed northwest China hoping to reach Tibet.
B.    Onlywhen tribal warfare broke out, however, and the bridges were torn down did sheturn aroundC.    Duringthe nineteenth century, a number of fearless women traveled long distances fromtheir homes.D.    IsabellaBird, for example, a British clergyman’s daughter, began traveling and writingwhen she was in her forties.E.    Theyvisited places far away from their native countries.F.     Thebook was published in 1838; however, its title, Peregrinations of Pariah,meaning ,“travels of an outcast”,suggests that not everyone admired itscourageous authorGWhile she was traveling, even though her guides collapsed with fever, and thenher rice supply grew dangerously low, she didn't give up.H.Like Isabella Bird, Flora Tristan, a native of France, proved her adventurousspirit when she sailed from France to Peru, a trip that inspired her to write abook. 
