Rearrangethe following sentences so that they read logically. Put the correspondingletters in a proper sequence on the answer sheet The positions of somesentences have been given. A.Industries and government contribute another 20 percent:the largest industrialpolluters are petroleum refineries.B.The air we breathe is about one-fifth oxygen and a little less than four-fifthsnitrogen(氮), with traces of other gases, water vapor, and the waste products weput into itC.Homes, apartments, and offices use coal, gas and oil for heatD.Motor vehicles account for over 51 percent of the total polluting material sentinto the atmosphere every year.E.Heating is also a major source of pollution.F.Most air pollution is caused by the gasoline-powered internal combustion(燃烧) engines of cars,trucks and buses.G.Another source of pollution is the incineration(烧成灰烬) of garbage, trash,metal, glass, and other wasteH.Electrical power plants also contribute about 20 percent of the total air pollutantsby burning coal or oil for electrical power.