(英译汉)(71)【For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the Internet】. The best-known search engine has already entered the lexicon(词典 ): people say they have “Googled” a company, a product or their plumber. (72)【The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the Internet】. And (73)【it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television】. All this means that search is turning into the internet's next big battleground as Google defends itself against challenges from Yahoo! and Microsoft.
The other way to get noticed online is to offer goods and services through one of the big sites that already get a lot of traffic. (74) 【eBay, Yahoo! and Amazon are becoming huge trading platforms for other companies】. But to take part, a company's products have to stand up to intense price competition. (75)【People check online prices, compare them with those in their local high street and maywell take a peek(看)at what customers in other countries are paying】. Even if websites are prevented from shipping their goods abroad, there are plenty of web-based entrepreneurs ready to oblige.