原文: The integration of computer systems is indispensable in unifying documentation and also for such tasks as the placing of orders with factories, product delivery and information management.
译文:计算机系统的集成对于统一文档以及诸如向工厂 下订单、产品交付和信息管理等任务来说是必不可少的。
原文: The integration of computer systems is indispensable in unifying documentation and also for such tasks as the placing of orders with factories, product delivery and information management.
译文:计算机系统的集成对于统一文档以及诸如向工厂 下订单、产品交付和信息管理等任务来说是必不可少的。
【正确答案】:修改:将电脑系统进行整合对于统一文件 处理是不可或缺的,对于完成诸如向工厂订货、派送货物以及信息管理等任务也是不可或缺的。