原文:The Ministry of Finance plans to restart selling up to 40 billion yuan($6. 32 billion ) worth of electronic savings bonds next week, after previous issuances were suspended last week due to a surprise rate cut by the central bank.
原文:The Ministry of Finance plans to restart selling up to 40 billion yuan($6. 32 billion ) worth of electronic savings bonds next week, after previous issuances were suspended last week due to a surprise rate cut by the central bank.
【正确答案】:修改:因日前央行突然降息导致上周电子式储蓄国债被停止发行后, 国家财务部计划在下周重新发行电子式储蓄国债,最大发行额为 400 亿元 (合 63.2 亿美元)。(先说明原因得两分)