Where by virtue of this Article, the Subcontractor is required to effect and maintain insurances and/or to allow the Contractor to take out insurances in the Subcontractor's name, then at any time until such obligation has been fully performed. the S
Where by virtue of this Article, the Subcontractor is required to effect and maintain insurances and/or to allow the Contractor to take out insurances in the Subcontractor's name, then at any time until such obligation has been fully performed. the Subcontractor shall produce to the Contractor's satisfactory evidences thereof in the form required by the Contractor.
【名师解析】:选项B是正确的答案,因为它准确地表达了原句的意思,并且使用了恰当的法律术语。原句中的关键词是"effect and maintain insurances"(实施和维持保险),"allow the Contractor to take out insurances"(允许承包商取得保险),以及"evidences thereof"(其证据)。选项B中使用了"实现和维持保险"和"以承包商的名义使承包商取得保险",这些都是对原文意思的准确翻译。同时,"呈出使承包商满意的凭证"也正确地传达了原文中"produce to the Contractor's satisfactory evidences"的含义。其他选项要么在翻译上不够准确,要么语法结构不够清晰,因此B是最佳选项。