Which of the following could be the body part of the narrative essay on the topic of"Procrastination"()
Which of the following could be the body part of the narrative essay on the topic of"Procrastination"()
A、I came up to the door, took a deep breath and came in. Eventually, it was not that hard… to enter the dentist’s office and after all to happily run out from it in a hurry to get myself a big chocolate!I converted something I was afraid of into something that became a real adventure. I have no reasons to procrastinate until I have my imagination working. If I need a reward – I can always invent it. I am not Robinson Crusoe and I do not need Friday to remember a special secret – once I begin nothing can stop me!
B、Procrastination takes the best time of the life of any person. There are always hundreds reasons to wait and to postpone something that seems to be extremely unpleasant to do. Procrastination “hides” in almost every aspect of our everyday life and it is so hard to overcome it. I do not think I would be able to realize that I had this problem and cope with it until one situation happened to me. Procrastination takes the best time of the life of any person. There are always hundreds reasons to wait and to postpone something that seems to be extremely unpleasant to do. Procrastination “hides” in almost every aspect of our everyday life and it is so hard to overcome it. I do not think I would be able to realize that I had this problem and cope with it until one situation happened to me.
C、So…. I woke up in the morning and realized that I did not do it again. It seemed that I was almost ready to do it but once more something else grabbed my attention.It was a trap with no way out. I felt terrible! I felt pain all the time and there was nothing I could do about it except doing IT. I remembered the words of Scarlet O’Hara: “ I will think about it tomorrow”, and thought that she was not right about that completely. The problem was that I was thinking about it all the time. I brushed my teeth thinking about it, had breakfast thinking about it. I prepared for my classes and was still thinking about it. I thought about it 24/7 and it was getting altogether scary. It got even funny when I thought that the whole thing would have taken only 1/10 of the time I spent thinking about it. I desperately needed to do something, to find a way to cope with it! And again I did nothing… Then I thought: ”If I do it I will buy myself the biggest chocolate I will find in the nearest supermarket”. I smiled imagining how I bite it and feeling how tasty it is. It seemed to be the best reward for me after all. In my imagination I played over and over again the scene of how I will do it until I understood that the best way to complete something was to begin it.I clenched my fists, collected all my will power against the force of the habit to procrastinate. I put on my favorite clothes, nicely brushed my hair, looked at the mirror and said: “I cannot lose that chocolate”. I laughed trying to imagine how I looked at the moment for other people. Crazy? The whole situation converted into a real adventure for me. I sneaked out of the house as a spy feeling like a have a special task to complete and I cannot fail it. I called it “Operation: chocolate” in my head. I walked to the place like I knew a special secret but could not put it into words. I recalled the two weeks I spent thinking about my problem and with every step my walk became more firm and confident. I almost start running because I was afraid to stop and turn back.