Passage 2
Economic Troubles Cloud New Market's Future
But perhaps the major reason is the dark economic clouds now hanging over Europe. One of the central justifications for the single market was its ability to create greater prosperity, but i
Passage 2
Economic Troubles Cloud New Market's Future
But perhaps the major reason is the dark economic clouds now hanging over Europe. One of the central justifications for the single market was its ability to create greater prosperity, but it is making its debut just as Europe traverses one of its roughest economic storms in year.
"We are going to wind up 1992 with just about the same level of unemployed-nearly 10 per cent community wide that we had before this project," says an aide to Mr. Delors. In addition, economic growth is skidding to an anticipated 1 per cent next year, all of which adds up to consumer and business confidence sinking to the same lows recorded during the pre-single market days of Europessimism.
Both EC and independent analysts say that business anticipated the economic benefits of the single market, so that much of the burst of economic activity in preparation for the new market has already occurred.
Business investment, which had been flat for the five years preceding the decision in 1985 to create the single market, soured to a 7 per cent annual growth rate from1985-1990.
The single market has brought prosperity to the European economy.
【名师解析】:题目的解析如下: 文章指出,尽管单一市场(single market)的建立原本是为了创造更大的繁荣,但它的推出却恰逢欧洲经历严重的经济困难时期。文章中提到,到1992年,失业率预计将与项目开始前相同,接近10%,而经济增长预计将降至1%。这些因素导致消费者和商业信心下降至单一市场前欧洲悲观情绪时期的低点。 此外,文章还提到,企业预期了单一市场带来的经济利益,因此,为了准备新市场,许多经济活动已经发生。商业投资在1985年决定创建单一市场之前的五年是持平的,但在1985年至1990年间,年增长率达到了7%。 然而,题目中的陈述“单一市场已经给欧洲经济带来了繁荣”与文章内容不符。文章中提到的是单一市场在推出时面临的经济困难,以及之前为了准备新市场而进行的经济活动,并没有明确指出单一市场已经带来了繁荣。因此,题目的答案是B,即这个陈述是错误的。