If it is a small matter to France's farmers that the Uruguay round should fail, so long as they keep their subsidies, that is understandable.
If it is a small matter to France's farmers that the Uruguay round should fail, so long as they keep their subsidies, that is understandable.
A、on condition that
C、not shortly
【名师解析】:选项A "on condition that" 在这里表示的是“只要”或“如果”的意思,用来表达一种条件关系。在这个句子中,它用来说明法国农民对于乌拉圭回合谈判失败的看法,即如果他们能够保留他们的补贴,那么谈判失败对他们来说并不是一个大问题。这个选项正确地表达了原文中“so long as”所要传达的条件关系。其他选项B、C和D要么与句子的意思不符,要么语法上不合适,因此不是正确答案。