A commodity breakdown of China's trade shows that fuels accounted for 24% of total exports in 1982,food products for 13%,textile fibers and mineral ores for 7% and manufactured gaods(the most important products were textiles,chemicals and transport e
A commodity breakdown of China's trade shows that fuels accounted for 24% of total exports in 1982,food products for 13%,textile fibers and mineral ores for 7% and manufactured gaods(the most important products were textiles,chemicals and transport equipment)for 55%.Since the founding of People's Republic strong emphasis has been placed on importing capital equipment in order to strengthen the industrial sector.But the leading categories of imports in 1982 were food,which accounted for 22% of the total,light manufactured items with a share of 20% and machinery and transport equipment with 17%.
To be sure,China's trade expansion has not been smooth.This year(1995),Beijing averted U.S.sanctions by settling a dispute over copyright and patent protection.And China won't be joining the WTO unless it opens its markets further to meet global standards.
【正确答案】:中国贸易的商品细分显示,1982 年燃料占出口总额的 24% ,食品占 13% ,纺织纤维和矿物矿石占7% ,制成品(最重要的产品是纺织品、化学品和机械和运输设备)占 55% 。 自中华人民共和国成立以来,为了加强工业部门,大力强调进口资本设备。 但 1982 年进口的主要类别是食品,占总进口的 22% ,轻工业品占 20% ,机械和运输设备占 17% 。
可以肯定的是,中国的贸易扩张并不顺利。 今年(1995 年),北京通过解决版权和专利保护纠纷,避免了美国的制裁。 中国将不会加入世贸组织,除非它进一步开放市场以达到全球标准。