Dubai's total non-oil trade grew by more than 23% in 1992 and was seemingly unaffected by the recession.
Dubai's total non-oil trade grew by more than 23% in 1992 and was seemingly unaffected by the recession.
A、normal trade
B、trade about oil
C、trade except oil
D、trade with oil
【名师解析】:题目中的关键信息是"Dubai's total non-oil trade",这里的"non-oil"意味着除了石油之外的贸易。因此,选项C "trade except oil" 是正确的,因为它直接对应了题目中的"non-oil trade",表示除了石油之外的所有贸易。选项A "normal trade" 没有明确排除石油贸易,选项B "trade about oil" 和选项D "trade with oil" 都与题目中的"non-oil"相矛盾,因为它们涉及到石油贸易。所以,正确答案是C。