The authorities do not consider it appropriate to 【incur】 large amounts of external debts until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy have been tackled.
The authorities do not consider it appropriate to 【incur】 large amounts of external debts until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy have been tackled.
B、bring upon
C、come along
D、take place
【题目解析】:句意:在经济中的许多实际障碍被扫除之前,官方认为招来大笔外债的做法是不妥当的。incur意为“招致,引起”。选项中decrease意为“使减少”;bring upon意为“引起,招来”;come along意为“好转,出现”;take place意为“发生”。故本题选B。