Passage 2
Building of Europe's Financial Firewall
Paris wanted a strong signal sent to the markets, a financial firewall of one trillion euros available to help struggling euro zone menbers. That was a little too rich for Berlin' s taste, how
Passage 2
Building of Europe's Financial Firewall
Paris wanted a strong signal sent to the markets, a financial firewall of one trillion euros available to help struggling euro zone menbers. That was a little too rich for Berlin' s taste, however and the monetary bloc's' finance ministers fnally settled on total of 800 billion.
"This amount is very important because when the Intemnational Monetary Fund and G20 liscussed, their participation depended on what Europe would do. Europe has now clearly fixed this amount.
Out of that total, 300 billion had already been pledged to Greece, Portugal. and Ireland by combining both Europe's temporary rescue fund the EFSF and the new ESM, the European Stability Mechanism. The continent's' new bailout(紧急救助) capacity now stands at 500 billion euros.
"Financial markets want to know if Europe is able to undertake structural reforms that could permanently ensure the stability of the currency and the investments. Here we are making great progress in the member states and the structure of the European currency. That's crucial.
The esm will come online from the first of July and will work in tandem with (和...联合) the existing EFSF for one year.

The euro zone financial ministers agreed on a financial firewall of one trillion euros.
【名师解析】:题目中提到,欧洲金融部长们最终达成了一个800亿欧元的金融防火墙,而不是1万亿欧元。因此,题目中的说法"The euro zone financial ministers agreed on a financial firewall of one trillion euros."是错误的。正确答案应该是B,错误。