The 12th Five-Year Plan will see to it that the seven strategic emerging industries attract large amounts of private capital and let the real economy 【flourish】.
The 12th Five-Year Plan will see to it that the seven strategic emerging industries attract large amounts of private capital and let the real economy 【flourish】.
A、make profits
B、remain stable
C、grow vigorously
D、be efficient
【题目解析】:句意:“十三五”规划务必会使这七个战略性新兴产业吸引大量私人资本,且会使实体经济得到 蓬勃发展。flourish意为“繁荣,兴旺”。选项中make prpfits意为“盈利”;remain stab丨e意为“保持稳定”; grow vigorously意为“蓬勃发展”;be efficient意为“是着效的”。故选C。