Damage to the goods in transit is covered under this warranty. ______, this warranty does not cover damage due to external causes, including abuse, misuse, and failure to perform required preventive maintenance.
Damage to the goods in transit is covered under this warranty. ______, this warranty does not cover damage due to external causes, including abuse, misuse, and failure to perform required preventive maintenance.
A、In addition
C、What's more
【名师解析】:选项B "However" 是正确答案。在这个句子中,"However" 用来表示转折关系,说明虽然运输中的货物损坏在保修范围内,但保修并不包括由于外部原因造成的损坏,如滥用、误用和未进行必要的预防性维护。"However" 引导的句子与前半句形成对比,强调了保修范围的限制。其他选项,如 "In addition" 表示补充信息,"What's more" 也表示进一步补充,而 "Otherwise" 表示条件或后果,都不适合用来表达这种转折关系。