Mention some of the risks the exporter may face in trade.
Mention some of the risks the exporter may face in trade.
【正确答案】:The exporter may face the risk of buyer default. The importer might fail to pay in full for the goods. He might go bankrupt; his government might, for various reasons, ban trade with the exporting country or ban imports of certain commodities; the buyer might run into difficulties getting the foreign exchange to pay for the goods. It is even possible that the buyer is not reliable and simply refuses to pay the agreed amount on various excuses.
【题目解析】:该题目素材选自L10。 出口商可能会面临对方不付款的风险。进口商可能不支付全部货款;他可能破产了;出于各种原因他的政府可能禁止同出口国进行贸易,或禁止进口某些商品;甚至,买方有可能是不可靠的,并以各种借口直接拒绝支付商定的金额。