A firm's involvement in exporting products can range from a minimal commitment all the way to _______ as necessary for the firm's survival and growth.
A firm's involvement in exporting products can range from a minimal commitment all the way to _______ as necessary for the firm's survival and growth.
A、consider exports
B、considerate exports
C、considerable exports
D、considering exports
【名师解析】:选项D "considering exports" 是正确答案。这个短语意味着公司将出口作为其生存和发展所必需的考虑因素。"Considering" 表示公司正在认真考虑出口活动,而 "exports" 是名词,指的是产品或服务的国际销售。其他选项要么语法结构不正确,要么意义不明确。例如,"consider exports" 缺少进行时态的动词,"considerate exports" 语法上不正确,因为 "considerate" 是形容词,而 "considerable exports" 虽然语法上正确,但意义上不如 "considering exports" 明确,因为它没有表示出口活动是公司考虑的一个持续过程。