The difference between Secretariat and other international bureaucracies lies in the fact that ____
The difference between Secretariat and other international bureaucracies lies in the fact that ____
A、the former doesn't have any branch offices outside its base,Geneva
B、the former has nothing to do with decision-making
C、the former provides some forms of legal assistance
D、the latter's only concern is to make decisions
【名师解析】:选项B正确地指出了联合国秘书处(United Nations Secretariat)与其他国际官僚机构之间的关键区别。联合国秘书处是联合国的一个主要机构,其主要职责是提供行政和组织支持,而不是参与决策过程。秘书处的工作重点是执行联合国大会和其他主要机构的决策,而不是制定政策或决策本身。这与一些其他国际组织不同,后者可能有自己的决策机制或在特定领域内具有决策权。因此,选项B正确地强调了秘书处的角色是辅助性质的,而不是决策性质的。