In the sentence, "Emotions can run high when there is a lot at stake.", the italicized part most probably means ____
In the sentence, "Emotions can run high when there is a lot at stake.", the italicized part most probably means ____
A、people may be irritable.
B、people's emotions can be strong.
C、people's temperature tend to run high.
D、people can lose control of their temper.
【名师解析】:在句子 "Emotions can run high when there is a lot at stake." 中,斜体部分 "run high" 通常指的是情绪强烈或高涨。根据这个意思,选项D "people can lose control of their temper" 最符合这个表达,因为它暗示了情绪的强烈程度可能达到失控的地步。选项A "people may be irritable" 虽然也与情绪有关,但并没有表达出情绪的强度或高涨。选项B "people's emotions can be strong" 接近正确,但没有选项D那样明确地指出情绪失控的可能性。选项C "people's temperature tend to run high" 则是字面意义上的体温升高,与情绪无关。因此,正确答案是D。