We can learn from the passage that to keep the negotiating counterpart waiting is________
We can learn from the passage that to keep the negotiating counterpart waiting is________
A、considered impolite by the French
B、regarded as a waste of time by the French
C、sometimes used by the French as a means of getting negotiating advantage
D、thought to be a disgrace to the host
【名师解析】:根据题目内容,我们可以了解到,法国人在谈判中有时会利用让对手等待作为一种策略来获得谈判优势。因此,选项C "sometimes used by the French as a means of getting negotiating advantage" 正确地反映了这一点。其他选项A、B和D并没有在题目中提及,所以不能作为正确答案。