Which of the following is usually NOT a factor that affects the price of a bond?
Which of the following is usually NOT a factor that affects the price of a bond?
A、Interest rate in the economic
B、Change of credit rating of the company of government unit issuing the bond
C、The general economic outlook.
D、The length of time before the date interest payment
【名师解析】:选项C "The general economic outlook" 不是通常影响债券价格的因素。实际上,债券价格受多种因素影响,包括市场利率(选项A)、发行主体的信用评级变化(选项B)以及利息支付的时间距离(选项D)。市场利率上升时,新发行债券的收益率会更高,导致旧债券的价格下降;信用评级下降可能使投资者对债券的安全性产生怀疑,从而降低其价格;而距离利息支付时间越近,债券的价格通常会越接近其面值。然而,整体经济前景虽然可能间接影响这些因素,但它本身通常不被视为直接影响债券价格的因素。