We can learn that finance can be best described as ____
We can learn that finance can be best described as ____
A、indispensible to any business that wants to be successful.
B、insignificant to very small business.
C、important to large businesses but unimportant to small or medium-sized businesses.
D、unimportant to any business
【题目解析】:learn 学 ; 学习 ; 学到 ; 学会 ; 听到 ; finance 资金 ; 财政 ; 金融 ; 财务 ; 财力,财源,best 最好的 ; 最出色的 ; 最优秀的 ; 最恰当的 ; 最 ; 最高程度地 ; 打败 ; 胜过 ; good的最高级 ; well的最高级 indispensible 不可或缺; be successful 奏效;We can learn that finance can be best described as indispensible to any business that wants to be successful:我们可以了解到,对任何想要成功的企业来说,金融都是不可或缺的。