Which of the following is Not mentioned as a source for job information?
Which of the following is Not mentioned as a source for job information?
A、Daily newspapers in large cities.
B、Employees in a company.
C、The employment agency.
D、The local phone book.
【名师解析】:选项B "Employees in a company" 没有被提及作为获取工作信息的来源。其他选项,如选项A "Daily newspapers in large cities"、选项C "The employment agency" 和选项D "The local phone book" 都是常见的获取工作信息的渠道。选项A通常包含招聘广告,选项C提供职业介绍和招聘服务,而选项D可以用于查找公司和组织的联系信息。而选项B中的公司员工虽然可能提供一些内部信息,但题目中并没有明确提及这一点。