E-mail is a much-favored means of communication for Chinese businessmen ______.
E-mail is a much-favored means of communication for Chinese businessmen ______.
A、When they make initial enquiries
B、When they bargain over prices .
C、When they discuss the details of their purchase.
D、When they make purchase decisions.
【名师解析】:根据题目内容,E-mail 是中国商人在进行初步询问时非常青睐的沟通方式。选项A "When they make initial enquiries" 直接对应了题目中的描述,指出了E-mail 在初步询问阶段的使用情况。其他选项B、C和D分别描述了在价格谈判、讨论购买细节和做出购买决定时使用E-mail,但这些并不是题目所强调的初步询问阶段。因此,正确答案是选项A。