All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that _____.
All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that _____.
A、the theory of probability predicts the possibility of a certain misfortune to occur within a given period of time.
B、the theory of probability predicts special groups of people liable to become the victims of certain misfortunes
C、the thoery of probability helps people decide whether they should be insured or not.
D、the theory of probability determines the cost for a misfortune to be covered by the insurance.
【名师解析】:根据题目内容,我们需要找出不正确的陈述。选项A、C和D都与概率理论相关,它们分别描述了概率理论预测不幸事件的可能性、帮助人们决定是否需要保险以及确定保险覆盖不幸事件的成本。这些描述与概率理论在风险评估和保险定价中的应用相符。 然而,选项B提到概率理论预测特定群体成为某些不幸事件的受害者,这与概率理论的实际应用不符。概率理论并不预测哪些特定群体会成为不幸事件的受害者,而是评估在给定条件下不幸事件发生的可能性。因此,选项B是不正确的陈述,是题目的正确答案。