Write a letter of about 100 words which can fulfill the following functions according to the following situation:
Situation: A company needs three secretaries and advertised the vacancies in the post. Fifteen applicants showed up, and each was gi
Write a letter of about 100 words which can fulfill the following functions according to the following situation:
Situation: A company needs three secretaries and advertised the vacancies in the post. Fifteen applicants showed up, and each was given a proficiency test, including computer, simple math and business English. The top three scorers were hired, and the other twelve applicants were notified by letter.
Required functions:
(1) Bill Swift, Manager of Human Resources Division , thanks the recipient(Mrs. Jones) for her application.
(2) Bill Swift needs to give a description of the results of the tests, in which Bill shows his sympathy.
(3) Bill Swift needs to notify, in a considerate way, the recipient of the bad news of her not having done well in the business English test.
(4) Bill Swift needs to give some sincere suggestions to the recipient, which will serve to comfort and encourage Mrs. Jones.
May 15,2021
Dear Mrs. Jones,

【正确答案】:Thank you for coming to our office to take the proficiency test for the position of Secretary.
All the tests from the fifteen applicants have been graded, and, unfortunately, your score was not in the top three (or 4 or 5 …) . According to the grader, you did well in computer and math.
However, your score in business English brought down the total score considerably. If you are interested in taking another test when vacancies are announced, I suggest that you continue to keep your strong points and undertake a thorough review of business English. A book that I think you will find helpful is Programmed Handbook of Business English, by Mark Stewart, published by Oxford University Press.
Good luck!
Bill Swift
Manager of Human Resources Division