Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences.原文:Thunderstorms in spring and summer often come with intensity great enough to cause flash-flooding. 译文:春夏两季的雷雨是如此的强大,以致于马上引起水灾。改译:
Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences.原文:Thunderstorms in spring and summer often come with intensity great enough to cause flash-flooding. 译文:春夏两季的雷雨是如此的强大,以致于马上引起水灾。改译:


【题目解析】:本题可从意译入手。句中的... enough to ... 表示太……以致于……。但是在翻译时,可以选择一些更贴切的词组或短句来表达,体现汉语的魅力,使之更有意境。例如将雷雨如此强大翻译为“雷雨交加,猛烈异常”,将马上引起水灾翻译为“暴雨成灾”。春夏两季雷雨交加,猛烈异常,往往顷刻之间暴雨成灾。