Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences.原文:Following one of Paderewski’s performances, a fan said to him, “I’d give my life to play like that.” The brilliant pianist replied, “I did.” 译文:听完帕德雷夫斯基的演奏,一位乐迷对他说:“要是能弹得
Correct or improve the translation of the following English sentences.原文:Following one of Paderewski’s performances, a fan said to him, “I’d give my life to play like that.” The brilliant pianist replied, “I did.” 译文:听完帕德雷夫斯基的演奏,一位乐迷对他说:“要是能弹得像您这样, 我宁愿献出我的生命。”这位卓越的钢琴家回答道:“我已经献出过了。”改译:

听完帕德雷夫斯基的演奏,一位乐迷对他说:“要是能弹得像您这样, 我愿意付出毕生的心血。”这位卓越的钢琴家回答道:“我已经付出了。”

【题目解析】:原译文对动词词组的意思和英语中替代的译法掌握得不准确。give one’s life to意为 “一生致力于,付出毕生心血”;英语怕重复,用“I did”代替“I'd give my life”,汉语不怕重复,在翻译时应还原。