在回答网友关于反腐倡廉的问题时,温家宝表示,无论什么人,有多高的职务,只要他们 违法乱纪、贪污受贿,都要受到严厉惩处。今年反腐倡廉将把查处主要领导侵权渎职、贪污腐败作为第一位的任务。同时,我们还要推进改革,建立让人民监督的体制。(选自“新华网”,2011年2月27日)
在回答网友关于反腐倡廉的问题时,温家宝表示,无论什么人,有多高的职务,只要他们 违法乱纪、贪污受贿,都要受到严厉惩处。今年反腐倡廉将把查处主要领导侵权渎职、贪污腐败作为第一位的任务。同时,我们还要推进改革,建立让人民监督的体制。(选自“新华网”,2011年2月27日)
【正确答案】:When answering questions on combating corruption and advocating clean politics, Wen promised, “Anyone who has violated the law and discipline, or embezzled money or took bribes, will be severely punished, no matter who he/she is, what senior positions he/she holds. This year, we’ll take the investigation and punishment of those principal officials who committed infringement, malpractice, embezzlement or corruption as the top priority of our anti-graft endeavor. Meanwhile, we’ll further our reform and establish a system of people supervision.”