一位网友提出了农民工子女上学难的问题。温家宝说,农民工进城后生活上存在许多困难,但是最为关心的的还是孩子上学问题。我们必须采取“两手”: 一手是大力发展农村教育,另一手是保证农民工孩子上学尤其是接受义务教育不因户口受到影响。要让农村的孩子不管是留在家里还是随父母到城市都能接受良好的教育。
【正确答案】:When one netizen complained about the difficulties migrant workers come across when their children need to go to school, Wen responded, “There are many practical problems facing migrant workers, but what concerns them most is their children’s schooling. We must lay equal emphasis on two measures: one is to make great effort to develop rural education; the other is to ensure that the schooling of migrant workers’ children, especially their access to the compulsory education, will not be affected by their residence registration. We must make sure that all rural children can have a good education either staying at home or moving to cities with their parents.”