In an otherwise peaceful countryside setting, a middle-aged Spaniard charges into battle. In his mind he's the last chivalrous(有骑士精神的) warrior attacking an army of giants. But those who watch him think he's a complete madman, as they witness him unsuccessfully attempt to fight a windmill with a lance. Yet by the end of the story, the soul of this hopeless romantic has won millions of readers over, which is why Don Quixote《堂吉诃德》) sits near the top of almost every "greatest works of fiction" list ever created, Don Quixote's imagination often runs wild, and he sees reality very differently from other characters, which creates many comic scenes. His servant is always left to make things right, and takes the punishment for his master's odd behavior. Many of these roadside adventures are not really adventures at all but only happen inside Don Quixote's head.
【题目解析】:注意文中一些关键表达的翻译。“otherwise”翻译成“本该”,“Spaniard”翻译成“西班牙人”,“charge”翻译成“向前冲”,“warrior”翻译成“战士”,“an army of giants”翻译成“巨人军团”,“those who watch him”翻译成“旁观者”,“fight”翻译成“决斗”,“unsuccessfully”应单独翻译,翻译成“无功而返”,“the soul”翻译成“精神”,“hopeless romantic”翻译成“无可救药的浪漫主义者”,“won…over”翻译成“征服了”,“sit near the top of”翻译成“几乎每每名列前茅”,“list”翻译成“排行榜”,“runs wild”翻译成“天马行空”,“creates many comic scenes”翻译成“产生了很多滑稽的场景”,“is always left to”翻译成“总是在后面”,“make things right”翻译成“收拾残局”,“takes the punishment”翻译成“受罚”,“odd behaviour”翻译成“怪异行为”,“roadside adventures”翻译成“路边冒险”,“happen”翻译成“想象而已”。