原文: The European Commission announced that a total of 15 EU states, plus Switzerland and Hong Kong, are now known to have received egg products contaminated by an insecticide. 译文:欧盟委员会宣布,现在共有15个欧盟国家以及瑞士和中国香港被知道进口了受杀虫剂污染的鸡蛋产品。
原文: The European Commission announced that a total of 15 EU states, plus Switzerland and Hong Kong, are now known to have received egg products contaminated by an insecticide. 译文:欧盟委员会宣布,现在共有15个欧盟国家以及瑞士和中国香港被知道进口了受杀虫剂污染的鸡蛋产品。
【正确答案】:改译: 欧盟委员会宣布,现在已知有15个欧盟国家以及瑞士和中国香港进口了杀虫剂污染的鸡蛋产品。
【题目解析】:按照中文的行文习惯,我们不把“are now known”翻译成被动的表达方式“被知道”,而是翻译成主动的表达方式—“已知有”。