Collected Poems and(), which gathered Robert L. Frost’ s second and third Pulitzer Prizes, both translate modern upheaval into poetic material.
Collected Poems and(), which gathered Robert L. Frost’ s second and third Pulitzer Prizes, both translate modern upheaval into poetic material.
A、New Hampshire
B、A Boy's Will
C、North of Boston
D、A Further Range
【题目解析】:Collected Poems《弗罗斯特诗集》(1930)和A Further Range《又一片牧场》(1935)帮助弗罗斯特把第二个和第三个普利策奖收入囊中,两者都把现代社会的剧变转移到了诗人可以驾轻就熟的诗歌材料中。另外,New Hampshire《新罕布什尔》(1923)使弗罗斯特第一次获得了普利策奖,A Witness Tree《见证树》(1942)让他第四次获得了这项荣誉。