Henry James described an American girl who embodies the( )in his novel Daisy Miller.
Henry James described an American girl who embodies the( )in his novel Daisy Miller.
A、corruption of the newly rich
B、innocence of new generation
C、decline of aristocracy
D、spirit of the New World
【题目解析】:本题主要考查对作品Daisy Miller《黛西·米勒》的了解亨利·詹姆斯在他的小说《黛西·米勒》中描述了一个体现新世界精神(spirit of the New World)的美国女孩。故选D。corruption of the newly rich——新富阶层的腐败;innocence of new generation——新一代的纯真;decline of aristocracy——贵族的衰落,均不符合题意,可排除。