The literary career of Henry James is generally divided into three periods and in the first period, he took great interest in().
The literary career of Henry James is generally divided into three periods and in the first period, he took great interest in().
A、patriotic themes
B、psychological themes
C、idealistic themes
D、international themes
【题目解析】:亨利·詹姆斯的文学生涯可以分成三个主要时期。在他的早期(1865-1882)作品中,他对国际主题很感兴趣,其中包括A Portrait of A Lady《一位女士的画像》(1881);在他的中期作品中,他尝试了不同的主题和形式进行创作;在他的后期也是主要时期,他再次回归了国际主题,作品主要关注的是童年和青春期,其中最著名的当属What Maisie Knows《梅茜所知道的》(1897)。