Moby-Dick is difficult to read because much of the talk in the novel is()and much of the language is purposely old-fashioned and Elizabethan.
Moby-Dick is difficult to read because much of the talk in the novel is()and much of the language is purposely old-fashioned and Elizabethan.
A、doctor's talk
B、​sailor's talk
C、farmer's talk
D、soldier's talk
【题目解析】:《白鲸》不容易理解的原因就在于小说中的谈话大部分是水手的谈话,大部分的语言都是刻意的老式和伊丽莎白式的。虽然《白鲸》是以小说的形式呈现,但有时它似乎更像是散文诗(Prose Poem)。在麦尔维尔的众多作品中,《白鲸》是其中的典型代表,是全世界公认的世界文学名著之一。《白鲸》与福克纳的《熊》、海明威的《老人与海》一起被誉为美国文学史上的三大动物史诗。美国著名的浪漫主义作家霍桑曾盛赞《白鲸》是"一部何等伟大的作品"。