As a drama critic, ( ) was strongly against the credo of “art for art's sake” held by the decadent aesthetic artists.
As a drama critic, ( ) was strongly against the credo of “art for art's sake” held by the decadent aesthetic artists.
B、Thomas Hardy
C、Charles Dickens
D、Bernard Shaw
【题目解析】:“art for art's sake”——为艺术而艺术,题意考查的是谁强烈反对(strongly against)这种信条。作为戏剧评论家,Bernard Shaw(萧伯纳)的批判矛头直指新浪漫主义以及时髦的画室话剧,他的评论机智、犀利而幽默。萧伯纳强烈反对颓废的唯美主义艺术家所奉行的“为艺术而艺术”的信条。Shakespeare——莎士比亚;Thomas Hardy——托马斯·哈代; Charles Dickens——查尔斯·狄更斯。结合句意可知选D。