Bernard Shaw wrote quite a few history plays, in which he kept an eye on the contemporary society. The important plays of this group are().
Bernard Shaw wrote quite a few history plays, in which he kept an eye on the contemporary society. The important plays of this group are().
A、Back to Methuselah and The Apple Cart
B、Caesar and Cleopatra and St. Joan
C、Widowers' Houses and Mrs. Warren's Profession
D、Mrs. Warren' s Profession and The Apple Cart
【题目解析】:本题考查的是萧伯纳的历史戏剧作品成就。萧伯纳写了不少历史剧,并且他对当代社会关注密切。其中比较重要的有Caesar and Cleopatra《凯撒和克莉奥帕特拉》(1898)和St. Joan《圣女贞德》(1923)。