()produced several plays, exploring his idea of "Life Force” the power that would create superior beings to be equal to God.
()produced several plays, exploring his idea of "Life Force” the power that would create superior beings to be equal to God.
A、Bernard Shaw
B、Thomas Hardy
C、D. H. Lawrence
D、T. S. Eliot
【题目解析】:Bernard Shaw produced several plays, exploring his idea of "Life Force” the power that would create superior beings to be equal to God. 萧伯纳写了很多作品,探讨了他的“生命的力量” 的想法,这种力量可以创造出和上帝一样的生物。并且解决了人类社会所存在的社会,道德以及形而上学的问题,典型作品有Man and Superman(1904)《人与超人》和Back to Methuselah(1921)《千岁人》