The poem ( ) takes us to the core of William Wordsworth's poetic belief.
The poem ( ) takes us to the core of William Wordsworth's poetic belief.
A、“To a Skylark”
B、“The Sparrow's Nest”
C、“To a Butterfly”
D、“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
【题目解析】:“To a Skylark”——致云雀; “The Sparrow's Nest”——麻雀巢; “To a Butterfly”——致蝴蝶; “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”——我如行云独自游,均为William Wordsworth的作品。但“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”被认为是把我们带入到William Wordsworth的诗歌信仰的核心的作品。故选D。