All of the following statements about Jonathan Swift is true Except that ()
All of the following statements about Jonathan Swift is true Except that ()
A、Even today Swift is still respected as a national hero in Ireland
B、Gulliver's Travels is generally regarded as the best model of satire, not only for the period but also in the whole English literary history
C、​Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose
D、Gulliver's Travels is Swift's best fictional work
【题目解析】:乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift,1667-1745年),大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国作家,政论家,讽刺文学大师,以著名的《格列弗游记》和《一只桶的故事》等作品闻名于世。其中《格列弗游记》是他最好的讽刺小说。但是仅限于作者所处的时期。此外斯威夫特也是最伟大的英语散文大师之一。直到今天斯威夫特仍被尊为爱尔兰的民族英雄。