Which of the following does not belong to the characteristics of Spencer's poetry?( )
Which of the following does not belong to the characteristics of Spencer's poetry?( )
A、a nearly perfect melody
B、a rare sense of beauty
C、a splendid imagination
D、a lofty moral purity and seriousness
【题目解析】:本题考查斯宾塞诗歌的五个主要品质:1 完美的韵律 2 罕见的美感 3 奇妙的想象 4 崇高的道德纯洁性与严肃性 5一种献身的理想主义 。除此之外,他还多次使用一种怪异的语言模式及废弃不用的词汇,以增加作品的乡土气息。A选项是几乎完美的韵律,而不是“完美的韵律”,因此A选项,“近乎完美的韵律”不符合题意。