A Chinese-English dictionary (1995) boasts of the ( ) of the English equivalents it provides for its Chinese items, as in the example that 布衣素食  is rendered as “coarse clothes and simple fare” instead of “wear cotton clothes and eat
A Chinese-English dictionary (1995) boasts of the ( ) of the English equivalents it provides for its Chinese items, as in the example that 布衣素食  is rendered as “coarse clothes and simple fare” instead of “wear cotton clothes and eat vegetable food”.
【题目解析】:本题考查《汉英词典(1995)》的特点。在《汉英词典(1995)》中,对于英汉对照翻译的质量要求很高。比如布衣素食,并没有按照字面意思翻译成wear cotton clothes and eat vegetable food,而是翻译成了coarse clothes and simple fare。quality:质量