Which of the following idiom belongs to Alliteration?( )
Which of the following idiom belongs to Alliteration?( )
A、neither fish, flesh, nor fowl
B、here and there
C、snake in the grass
D、from time to time
【题目解析】:本题考查常见的使用头韵的习语。neither fish, flesh, nor fowl:不伦不类;here and there:到处都是;snake in the grass:潜伏的敌人;from time to time:不时地。neither fish, flesh, nor fowl运用了头韵的修辞方法,here and there运用了邻接的修辞手法,snake in the grass运用了暗喻的修辞手法,from time to time运用了重复的修辞手法。故A选项符合题意。