Which of the following statements is NOT true?( )
Which of the following statements is NOT true?( )
A、Collocation can affect the meaning of words.
B、Motivation explains why a particular form has a particular meaning.
C、By etymological motivation, we mean that the meaning of a particular word is related to its origin.
D、The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generally found in the dictionary.
【题目解析】:本题考查词汇学中的正确描述。connotative meaning内涵意义,是指由概念意义所暗示的储蓄意义或联想意义,传统意义上称为内涵。内涵意义是不会在词典上给出的,而是与特定读者或说话者在实际语境中运用的词汇相关联。故D选项中的are generally found in the dictionary说法错误。