Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( )
Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( )
A、The English language is noted for its modest borrowings.
B、Loan words only refer to those borrowings in form.
C、Loan words are all unrecognisable as being foreign in origin.
D、Loan words can be grouped according to the manner of borrowing.
【题目解析】:本题考察外来词的相关定义。"The English language is noted for its modest borrowings." 此处含义为“英语以适度的借用而闻名”。“Loan words only refer to those borrowings in form.” 此处含义为“外来词仅指形式上的借用”。“Loan words are all unrecognisable as being foreign in origin.”此处含义为“外来词无法从起源上被辨认出是外来词”。"Loan words can be grouped according to the manner of borrowing." 此处含义应为“外来词可根据外借的方式进行分组。” 综上,前三项不符合定义,有错误。所以D选项正确。